

Well here is the pile of rust that was sitting in the bottom of the fuel tank after I drained out all the remaining fuel. This is just the loose stuff at the bottom. I did not bang on the side walls to shake any loose.

I wonder if there is enough steel left to boil out the tank and dip it?
This is about 3 lbs or so of rust.

There is proabably not going to be happening here for a long time as the engine will be delt with once all the body work is settled.

Just getting the engine and ZF out.
Interesting the first time you are doing this.

Got a plan for what I am planning back here, and I am going to stay with a Cleveland and probably iron heads too.

For me this will keep the costs down where I don't have to have the complete engine done and still be able to build the headers I want, so that I can continue to work out the packaging of everything in the engine bay. It is like a jigsaw puzzle of what needs to be done first and how you are going to do it. Also , for me I might have the puzzle set but not the money needed to do all the things I that need to be done. This is why it is going to be a slow process.